- Met Rhett after his boot camp graduation and hung out
- Dipped my toes into Lake Michigan (a tornado chased us off the beach)
- Toured the Field Museum
- Saw beluga whales at Shedd Aquarium
- Saw Van Gogh paintings for the first time in real life at The Art Institute
- Went to the Museum of Science and Industry
- Rode the subway and Metra (it was awesome seeing into the little lives of the other passengers and imagine what it was like living in their heads)
- Ate deep dish pizza
- Took an architecture tour on the river, learning about all the famous downtown Chicago buildings
- Navy Pier, guys
- Visited Cloud Gate, otherwise known as The Bean
- Drove to Hannibal, Missouri and learned all about Mark Twain at his own museum
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I hate updating you guys in long posts. I hate it. I want you to know what's been going on, but at the same time, I want to blog about random stuff that I find interesting--those are, by far, my favorite posts. And since I don't blog enough anymore to fit in random posts about cats and John Green, this appears to be problematic. So, here's a list of of what I did in Chicago last week, just to give you a vague idea:
Thursday, September 12, 2013
An Update
Hi guys! I'm in Chicago for the next week for my sixteenth birthday trip, and also to go to my sister's Boyfriend's Navy graduation-thing (I might mention that he joined the Navy the other month. Woops).
It was a 15 hour drive yesterday. We left at 4am and got to our friend's house around 8pm. After having chocolate cake, I crashed on someone's bed and awoke this morning very sick. I took some medicine and I'm feeling better now, so don't worry about me.
Anyway, that's what's been happening the past few days. Here, have some inspiring photos or something:
It was a 15 hour drive yesterday. We left at 4am and got to our friend's house around 8pm. After having chocolate cake, I crashed on someone's bed and awoke this morning very sick. I took some medicine and I'm feeling better now, so don't worry about me.
Anyway, that's what's been happening the past few days. Here, have some inspiring photos or something:
Sunday, August 25, 2013
The Summer Update
It's been awhile, I know. Sorry, I was just out doing stuff and so I didn't feel the pressing urge to write about it. Plus, I sort of got out of the habit of writing anything this summer, whether it be blog posts, or journal entries, or lonely books...
Anyway. I'm back now, and that's all that matters. Somewhat.
So, what have I been up to since Discovery Days?
For one, the fair was a huge timesucker. I must have prepared up to a month in advance for the fair, mostly training my horses and goats, and tending my garden. I did realllyyy well this year--for one, I got second place in the fair queen pageant! I meant to blog about it, as fair queen-type stuff is a nice size of this blog. But, alas, I was off doing summery things, like visiting my boyfriend and the like.
Also, I was a counselor at several camps this year, including one called Lakeside. My friend/avid blog reader was also there, and I had the funnest time being a counselor ever. I know it's all about the kids, but sometimes they don't rely on you and you have a bit of downtime. It's good to have awesome people to talk to about books, fanfic (Dramione forever), and other nerdy stuff durng the dry parts.
Recently my family has been selling baked goods in an effort to raise enough money so Hope, Mom and I can go to Chicago to see Hope's boyfriend, Rhett. He recently joined the Navy and will be graduating from boot camp soon. How exciting! I can't wait to see him again... it's been nearly two months since we last said goodbye.
This was a cheesecake Hope and I made. I'm sure it tasted delicious, although I can't say.
We'll be selling other baked goods too, so I'll have to keep you guys posted.
School is starting up again soon, which means that I will be getting the house to myself again. I really do enjoy having a quiet house in the afternoons before my siblings get home. It's peaceful, and the cats also come out more, because they don't have to worry about getting harassed by little hands.
I'll be a sophomore this year, and I'm sure it'll be a tough school year. I'm ready to get started next week.
So, how have you guys been? Missed me much?
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Discovery Days: a List and Swing Dancing
Hello guys (I think "guys" has become the official name for my readers). Tonight is--was--the last full day of Discovery Days. This was perhaps the funnest, most entertaining D Days so far. In a list I shall describe what I liked about today:
- Friends... Stop rolling your eyes at me, Mr. Without friends I would have a miserable time at this camp
- There was a western dance after all... I'd gone all week thinking there would be no swing/ western dance this year. Everyone was disappointed, an so I think they hired an extra dj last minute to host the swing dance. I had a lot of fun dancing with several people, although I'm ashamed to say I couldn't do much more than two step.
- The water wars... I got totally soaked this afternoon at the water war, hosted in front of Weber Hall on the lawn. It was fun because it was really hot out; what's a better way to cool off than with sponges and gallons of water?
- Have I mentioned the t shirts?... They're red this year, which is wonderful. They've got a match on the front and a vaguely Dr. Seuss-like quality to the titling, "find your spark"
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Discovery Days: The Improv Team
Hey there, guys. Things are going pretty well here at Discovery Days 2013. It is te end of my second day, and I'm loving nearly every minute of it.
What's to suck?
The fun run was completely cancelled due to rain and thunderstorms. My K-State veterinary school tour was cancelled and we went to the zoo instead (UGH. On the bright side, I got to touch a tiger pelt and a lazy armadillo). The meals are horrendous.
Still, best year yet. So far.
So what's there to like?
First and foremost, the improv team performance was AMAZING. It was like going to see a live episode of Whose Line is it Anyway, except without Colin Mockery or Wayne Brady. One of the girls was melodramatic and at best mehh, but the rest of the team was great and they acted out sketches with creativity and witty lines
Another great part about today was my duct tape class, in which I made a pair of purple shoes. They look like bags, but they're super comfortable and water proof, and I spent two hours making them, so of course I'm proud of them.
The new friends are an exciting bunch. The old friends are numerous and are awesome as always. One of my friends will be trying out for the talent how tomorrow, so I'm hoping they make it so I have a reasonable excuse to go to the talent show this year.
... Well, maybe "just watching" still works.
What's to suck?
The fun run was completely cancelled due to rain and thunderstorms. My K-State veterinary school tour was cancelled and we went to the zoo instead (UGH. On the bright side, I got to touch a tiger pelt and a lazy armadillo). The meals are horrendous.
Still, best year yet. So far.
So what's there to like?
First and foremost, the improv team performance was AMAZING. It was like going to see a live episode of Whose Line is it Anyway, except without Colin Mockery or Wayne Brady. One of the girls was melodramatic and at best mehh, but the rest of the team was great and they acted out sketches with creativity and witty lines
Another great part about today was my duct tape class, in which I made a pair of purple shoes. They look like bags, but they're super comfortable and water proof, and I spent two hours making them, so of course I'm proud of them.
The new friends are an exciting bunch. The old friends are numerous and are awesome as always. One of my friends will be trying out for the talent how tomorrow, so I'm hoping they make it so I have a reasonable excuse to go to the talent show this year.
... Well, maybe "just watching" still works.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Discovery Days: the Dance and Friends
// warning: this post throws you straight at my life with little to no exlanation and and so I suggest you read through my archives before reading if you haven't already
Hey guys! I am writing this post from the shambly wifi connection of an even shamblier dorm... Where, you may ask, am I?
That's right, folks. I'm in Manhatten right now at my favorite camp o the year.
Already, on just the first day, I've made several friends and talked to old ones. There was a dance this evening, and I danced--very awkwardly-- with a group of about six people, all of whom were shoddier dancers than I was. We were having great fun until the fire alarm went off and all five hundred kids at the dance had to evacuate the building and sit out on the steps. The firemen actually came, and it was determined that some punk-ass kid hadn't pulled the fire alarm; there was an honest fire blazing in the Union.
Luckily they put it out before the firemen came and hauled themselves up on the roof with a ladder I'd only ever seen folded neatly on top the great red engine. Also, in Curious George books.
Then we sat over the fountain and played cards. This boy named Dennis had brought the cards. I met him last year at Discovery Days 2012 and we were well acquainted (this is for another post, but last year I played a two hour long game of Pterodactyl with him and another guy named Andrew. One gets lots of bonding experience with friends while playing Pterodactyl). We played a game called Liar that I'd learned at The Autumn Camp.
Then, we watched the fire department climb onto the roof. There's a certain beauty to firefighting that I'd never realized until tonight, and it's that firemen are the bravest men on the planet. I watched as this one fireman climbed the long, extended ladder, several feet over the nearest full-grown. Tree. The ladder swayed and creaked, but the fireman persisted.
"I love heights," said David, a tall, brown-haired senior had told me. "I'd love to do that."
I shivered and rubbed my shoulders, unable to watch. "I couldn't stand it." and then I shivered again for emphasis.
David laughed softly. "A lot of people say that."
"Well, they're right. Gosh, that guy up there is so brave." I'd said it as though I hadn't a clue that firemen were supposed to be brave, that written somewhere in some dusty archive it detailed bravery as a job requirement. David gave me a strange look, and it had slowly dawned on me then that I was a moron.
Then, when the firefighters had packed up and left, we went back inside to dance. From the speakers, "Shorty fire burning on the dance floor (somebody call 911)" was playing. Ironically.
Not even thirty minutes later, our extension agent came in to tell us we had to leave, because we were switching dorm rooms. Why? It smelled like a big sweaty man in the hallways and rooms, and both the floors and walls were soaking wet. I bid a hasty goodbye to my friends and came back to the dorm.
Gosh, it's soooo sketchy, this whole dorm building. People paint K-State as a whole being quite clean and a wonderful place for nurture meant and growth. I love this college more than anything else in Kansas, and yet I know that not all of K-State is beauty; there are hallways that smell like mildew/tube socks, and dances that get postponed due to fire alarms.
Despite this, I feel like I'm home.
Hey guys! I am writing this post from the shambly wifi connection of an even shamblier dorm... Where, you may ask, am I?
That's right, folks. I'm in Manhatten right now at my favorite camp o the year.
Already, on just the first day, I've made several friends and talked to old ones. There was a dance this evening, and I danced--very awkwardly-- with a group of about six people, all of whom were shoddier dancers than I was. We were having great fun until the fire alarm went off and all five hundred kids at the dance had to evacuate the building and sit out on the steps. The firemen actually came, and it was determined that some punk-ass kid hadn't pulled the fire alarm; there was an honest fire blazing in the Union.
Luckily they put it out before the firemen came and hauled themselves up on the roof with a ladder I'd only ever seen folded neatly on top the great red engine. Also, in Curious George books.
Then we sat over the fountain and played cards. This boy named Dennis had brought the cards. I met him last year at Discovery Days 2012 and we were well acquainted (this is for another post, but last year I played a two hour long game of Pterodactyl with him and another guy named Andrew. One gets lots of bonding experience with friends while playing Pterodactyl). We played a game called Liar that I'd learned at The Autumn Camp.
Then, we watched the fire department climb onto the roof. There's a certain beauty to firefighting that I'd never realized until tonight, and it's that firemen are the bravest men on the planet. I watched as this one fireman climbed the long, extended ladder, several feet over the nearest full-grown. Tree. The ladder swayed and creaked, but the fireman persisted.
"I love heights," said David, a tall, brown-haired senior had told me. "I'd love to do that."
I shivered and rubbed my shoulders, unable to watch. "I couldn't stand it." and then I shivered again for emphasis.
David laughed softly. "A lot of people say that."
"Well, they're right. Gosh, that guy up there is so brave." I'd said it as though I hadn't a clue that firemen were supposed to be brave, that written somewhere in some dusty archive it detailed bravery as a job requirement. David gave me a strange look, and it had slowly dawned on me then that I was a moron.
Then, when the firefighters had packed up and left, we went back inside to dance. From the speakers, "Shorty fire burning on the dance floor (somebody call 911)" was playing. Ironically.
Not even thirty minutes later, our extension agent came in to tell us we had to leave, because we were switching dorm rooms. Why? It smelled like a big sweaty man in the hallways and rooms, and both the floors and walls were soaking wet. I bid a hasty goodbye to my friends and came back to the dorm.
Gosh, it's soooo sketchy, this whole dorm building. People paint K-State as a whole being quite clean and a wonderful place for nurture meant and growth. I love this college more than anything else in Kansas, and yet I know that not all of K-State is beauty; there are hallways that smell like mildew/tube socks, and dances that get postponed due to fire alarms.
Despite this, I feel like I'm home.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Yay! Lists!
Okay, so as of now my computer is still broken. No worries, without it I've been getting along famously. Here is a list, because new readers should know I like making lists, of what I've been up to for the past few days.
- Planted a garden
- Rode horses
- Chicken type stuff
- Called the bf
- General landscaping of the yard
- Learned how to mow
- Built a drip line irrigation system built by myself--well, THIS year
- Read three books
- Fan art!
- Picked up my room (finally)
- Saw the new Star Trek... Benedict is delectably evil in this movie, ehehehe
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Another Update--My Life is Full of Them
Hello, internet. My laptop is not fixed yet, nor do I think it ever will be. I write from my mom's iMac desktop. It's getting late and I'm trying to wind down before I go to sleep, so I figured I might as well write a blog post, so you can learn what has been happening in my life recently.
First and foremost, I got a boyfriend.
*falls out of chair in surprise*
*gets back in chair and falls out again*
First and foremost, I got a boyfriend.
*falls out of chair in surprise*
*gets back in chair and falls out again*
I know, dear reader. I was shocked too.
I met him last November at a 4-H camp. This is the post where I release it into the public, so I'll say that he is very nice and I wish for all the world he lived in the same town I do.
But, alas, we live two hours away... much to the relief of both of our moms I'm sure.
I liked him enough that I gave him the link to my blog, so he's probably going to read this post. Probably. A message:
Hi Michael! I like your face! - Hannah
Second, I got rejected by two literary magazines. I told you a few posts ago about Lightning Cake, the tiny zine that publishes flash fiction... I did not tell you about The Luna Station Quarterly, which caters to women sci-fi writers. I submitted a piece that I wrote back in October (on my birthday, to be exact).
They wrote me a really nice letter back critiquing the little pieces in the story that made them ultimately reject it, and I think I'll print it out and frame it.
Lightning Cake was also really nice about it all. Though my story (about a girl with a love impediment) fit the requirements and was well within the word count limit, they wrote back telling me that my story had too much bulk to it to be successful in their magazine. This was the first rejection I got, so I was pretty down in the dumps for a while. Then, after I'd consumed some ice cream (yeah, sorry, mom) I went back to my computer and reread the piece, and of course I agreed with everything they said.
Currently I am writing this piece about a girl named Amelia who is spending her final summer in her little hometown before she "runs away" to college. She works in an orchard and dates a boy who's afraid of animals, and the whole thing is so absurd and silly, but it's so much fun to write.
I don't know how long it will get, but as-of-now it is on its way to being a good-length novel. How many scenes I want to write yet! It's so much fun, and this summer I am putting it first and foremost on my long list of things to finish. Maybe I'll get it done by August if I just saddle down and do it.
It's a goal.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
An Update
April has been a lot of fun so far. Though the weather fluctuates more than me or my family would like, and I injured myself last Sunday and have been on crutches since, I've loved this month so far.
For one, I've had to use less layers of clothing to keep myself warm. This means that once again I can walk outside in merely jeans and a t-shirt and be perfectly fine--no freezing or anything.
For twice, the tulips bloomed. Their yellow, red, and orange blooms were a stark contrast against the bleary shades of brown I'd grown so used to seeing this past winter I could see it behind my eyelids if I closed them. Unfortunately, almost as soon as the tulips had opened their petals to the world, a sharp wind and snowstorm blew them to the ground, snapping their stems.
I took as many of them inside as I could, and put them in a shallow vase. There, they lit up the area above the microwave nicely, until they finally wilted and died a few days later.
For thrice, the aspect of school being let out next month makes me both sad and jumping at the bit for my summer vacation. I will be sad to leave my homeschooling group, because I know that for many of my friends I will not see them again until the fall, when classes resume. However, I am ready to sleep in every morning, because band class starts first hour and all through the cold, dark winter made me rise before sunrise.
Which I both hated and appreciated.
On the subject of band, this week we were required to give presentations. Basically, we had to pick an old classical piece and compare it to a modern day song. I've never been good at public presentations (I get a tremor in my voice, I think), and so I was nervous for this assignment. I chose to compare Night on Bald Mountain, by Mussorgsky, and Lovers' Eyes, by Mumford & Sons.
I compared tone and mood. By the end of the presentation the band teacher was enthused, and I had to replay Night on Bald Mountain for the class. Needless to say, I think I got an a. Which is good.
With spring just now warming up for good, I wonder what the next few months will bring: lots of rain, and sun? Or more cold days with freezing wind?
Whatever it is, I'll have to sludge through it.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Bits and Pieces: April Edition
Picture/Photo Find:
Something I Did:
Yesterday I traveled to Hays, Kansas, for my last ever robotics competition. Because I'm fifteen, I have outgrown the welcome of the FLL robotics team, and so I can't compete next year.
Being with my friends all day definitely kept me from feeling too nostalgic, but at the end of the day, as they dropped me off at my house, I couldn't help but feel a little sad (also, I was emotionally compromised because we had just been watching the saddest part of Life of Pi, when my friend Erin paused it to dump me off).
One of the best parts of the tournaments is that you are surrounded, literally surrounded, by geeks and nerds alike. They crush you with their nerd-dom, something that is both familiar and comforting. You can talk about Loki freely with a group of people who understand his character development. You can show people your Figment page because they actually know what Figment is and are interested in reading your stuff. Really, it was great.
I plan to help my robotics coach next year and maybe attend the competitions with them, but it won't be the same--not only because I won't be part of the team, but also because I won't be competing. I'll be helping.
There's a certain part to growing up that really slays me, and it's that the bigger you grow the more responsible of things you are, and the less fun things you get to do.
A Writer Thing:
The short story: I submitted my first story o a lit mag.
The elongated story: After shuffling my feet and dreaming of the days when I would finally grow some balls and write a cover letter so I could send some short stories out to literary magazines, I finally took the initiative, sat down, and wrote it.
Then, I carefully submitted a short story to a small, online magazine called Lightning Cake.
Their description:
Lightning Cake is a tiny zine of illustrated speculative flash fiction. New electrifying bites published weekly. Cut yourself a slice and chomp in.
I thought it sounded like just my cup of tea, so I submitted. Plus, it does not hurt in the least that I know the editor from Figment, and I am very comfortable submitting my stuff to her. It has been a learning experience, and even when I get rejected I will be grateful for the experience.
A Song for Your Ears:
You may remember a few months ago in this one Bits and Pieces post, where I told you that I watched a lot of these anime movies by a guy named Hayao Miyazaki. Hoping to gain yet another layer from these movies, I started listening to the scores from them.
My favorite is from Howl's Moving Castle. Have a listen; I like the violin parts most of all, because they move and take the melody, but I think the piano bits are especially breathtaking.
What am I Doing Tonight?
Well, tonight is my high school's prom. My sister Hope will be going with her boyfriend (also known by close friends as "Rhett"), and I will be staying at home, dreaming of the day when I will have a boyfriend--or at least a friend--to attend with.
Perhaps I will do some reading.
bits and pieces,
we heart it,
Sunday, March 31, 2013
The Band
I'm currently writing this blog post in the car on the drive back to my family's house, suckling off of my sister's wifi connection like a day-old pig, praying tat it doesn't give out in the time it takes to write this post.
The other night my sister and I were out late milking goats (I know, not the bad-girl stuff you expected me to be doing late at night. I'm lame like that), joking about this one time we wanted to perform in a band.
It would be great, the best sister duo there ever was. I think I was about eight or so, and she was nine, so it wasn't as though we were all that musically talented. I had this little kid guitar that I was too busy to learn how to play, but thought I was pretty good at, and Hope had her voice. We wrote our first song on Christmas Eve, and practiced it in the living room most of the afternoon.
The song was called Milk & Cookies for Santa, and though the sheet of paper that the original lyrics is on is long gone (who knows, maybe I'll find it some day), it went something like this:
Milk and Cookies for Santa
Oh, we're layin' out milk and cookies for Santaaaaa
You should too,
We're gonna get presennntttsss in the morrrninnnngggg
We were lyrical geniuses.
Last year I read the blog that my mom used to keep and I discovered, among other things, that she had heard us performing our timeless song and deemed it important enough to blog about. To this day, it is one of my most embarrassing memories, aside from the time I climbed into another person' excursion at the post office while they were in the car.
... Anyway.
Hope and I sat around for forever one afternoon in the summertime trying to come up with a good band name. Sweat poured off of our foreheads as we tanned in the grass, giggling like maniacs as we tried to come up with a name to title ourselves.
I asked Hope about it, and she said we never settled on anything, but that one of our top choices was The Purple Dolphins.
There's probably a reason why our band didn't kickstart, but I'm just not sure where we went wrong.
I read this book a while ago called The Disenchantments, which is about the world's worst girl band going on a road trip. These girls suck--but what got me was that no one cares after a while, because they're hot and are really into the music they make.
What got me the most about the book was that it brought up memories of being a brief member of The Purple Dolphins. It reminded me so much of how much fun I had strumming an out-of-tune guitar and singing a few songs which lyrics needed working on.
The book also made me want to start a band. Not to get famous or anything--I know just how impossible that is. Just to have a good time. Though I know I probably never will start another, band, perhaps I'll look more fondly at the days I was a musician.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Easter at my Grandparent's
This is the first time I have ever blogged away from home. Usually, when there's something interesting going on worth blogging about and I'm away, there almost always isn't any wifi. I'm at my grandparent's house, tucked under the layers and layers of sheets that my Grandma insists there be on every single bed, and now that I'm winding down I figured now is a perfect time to post what I've been up to.
Today I woke up very early for a Saturday, went and milked the goats, and when I came back I lazed around and read some of The Host again (Hope and I went and saw the movie last night). At around two I finally started packing, and then after I stalled them for a bit over whether or not we should take the dogs with us, we were off on the road.
While driving the two-and-a-half hours to get to my grandparent's house, I got on my laptop and made my little sisters outline a story with me. The conversation went something like this:
Me: Ainsley, what should my girl main character's name be?
Ainsley: Um... [pause] Janet.
Me: I'm not naming my main character Janet.
Ainsley: Okay, um... Margaret?
Me: [types it into the outline] Good! Where does she live?
Elizabeth [joining in]: She should live in a shoe.
Ainsley: Yeah, a shoe! [giggles profusely]
Me: She's not living in a shoe. Do you know how predictable that is?
Elizabeth: Fine. A Victorian. But it has to be green.
Me: [types in information] That's gold.
Eventually we came up with this story about a girl who works at a fruit stand, with eyes that can stare into your soul, who falls in love with this boy whose father was killed in a freak tiger accident at the zoo, and who is ultimately afraid of animals because he believes they're going to change into bloodthirsty killers and eat hit also.
I started speaking like Lumpy Space Princess off of Adventure Time after a while while outlining, which was hugely successful and got my sisters and giggly and full of energy. Then I got bored with outlining and decided to take a nap.
When I woke up we were at our grandparent's house. It's a quaint house, with white siding and more irises than you can count growing in various spots around the yard. My grandparents are getting frail in their old age, and so they have this wheelchair ramp-thing that takes up half the sidewalk, but is fun to walk up.
My parents decided to take us to a movie at the local theater; the movie was The Croods. So we ate some sandwiches and went to the theater, which was packed with little kids all chattering about this cartoon show that I love called Gravity Falls. I wanted to join in so badly, but I refrained and talked to my sisters about other things while Hope and my brother Noah got popcorn.
The movie was really good, and if you have the chance to see it you definitely should.
I helped Grandma make up beds when we got back, and then I changed into my pajamas and brought out my computer to write this blog post. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, so I will be at church in the morning in a brand new dress with a color scheme that matches the rest of my family's--this year the color scheme is purple and green. It's good to be spending Easter here with my family, and I'm sure tomorrow will be fun.
Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
My Day in Adventure Time Gifs
How I feel looking in the mirror every morning:
When I get to breakfast at the public school:
When I get out of band class:
While I'm milking the goats:
When I go on my computer/read:
While I do my homework:
When I complete it:
While doing my horse chores:
When I get home:
How I feel at the end of the day:
When I get to breakfast at the public school:
When I get out of band class:
While I'm milking the goats:
When I go on my computer/read:
While I do my homework:
When I complete it:
While doing my horse chores:
When I get home:
How I feel at the end of the day:
Sunday, March 17, 2013
The Warehouse of Broken Things
My sister, Hope, has a boyfriend. His family helped start the town we live in: his great-grandfather farmed and I think bought most of the land around the town, and his grandfather used to work in Hollywood (he collected a bunch of neat stuff, like an outfit worn by Harrison Ford, and the gorilla hand of King Kong. This garners its own post, though, so I won't get into it). After he came back he donated money and made a name for himself. Many of the streets in town are named after them.
Anyway, Hope's boyfriend is this goofy, nice guy who today showed us inside a few of his family's decrepit buildings and shared with us some ancient knowledge about the history of his family and their relics.
Sitting in the back of one of their shops, three in all, is a row of antique cars. They are very, very cool. One is a '67 Chevy Impala, the other one is a banana-yellow VW bug convertible, and the last is an old beach cruiser jeep, like the ones you see in the movies where buff, well-oiled gentlemen are leaning against them with surfboards in their hands.
![]() |
The Christmas star makes its appearance. |
While the cars sit in an old, padlocked garage, the roof of said garage is in disrepair and so birds and dust got to the cars before we did. The air smelled heavily of dust, and it sat in my nostrils, but Hope and I were as excited as little kids on Christmas. Make no mistake, we are not automobile experts. I barely just starting driving a month ago, and before that I knew next to nothing about them.
I do know that my dream car is a dark silver VW Bug, and Hope's is a jet-black '67 Chevy Impala, which--hey looky there--both suitable counterparts happened to be sitting side-by-side under the same roof. It was insane, the amount of excitement we felt looking at these cars.
The boyfriend had explained that his dad used to drive the Impala, but had dented it, left it sitting for years on end, and had let his eldest son work on it--a dire mistake to any car.
The Bug was rolled while under the ownership of another person, and they towed it in next to the Jeep, where it has sat for thirty years. I was sad to hear the news; it was a beautiful car, but now it's nearly ruined, the seats cracking, the exterior dented and broken.
After we finished ogling at the cars, we went and looked at his mother's surplus collection of ceramic creations. His mother is very into pottery. She owns two kilns that I have seen so far, and has a whole building stacked with shelves of ceramic molds. Their entire house is filled with these figurines, which range from basic bowls and miniature pots, to inappropriate, anatomically correct frog figurines. One room has these huge painted butterflies and Dumbo molds stuck in it.
His mother keeps boxes of her surplus stuff out in the garage with the cars. It was so cool. There were a few Kansas ashtrays, a statue of Jiminy Cricket, some little cowboys boots, about twenty gravy bats/flower vases, all seven dwarves, a few unpainted nativity sets, and this huge pig-thing which I was informed took four gallons of clay to produce.
I ended up taking home a few of her gravy boats/flower vases, with the firm intention to keep spare jewelry and other stuff in them. They don't actually look much like gravy boats, just really low vases, which is good.
There was a lot of other stuff in that shed, nearly everything broken, and I titled it 'The Warehouse of Broken Things'; my sister agreed. Today was a good experience, one that I hopefully will relive. The warehouse was like a gateway to the past, showing me fleeting images of happy people doing what they love and traveling places, of keeping their dreams locked up inside a building so that hopefully they can return to them later on in their lives.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Bits and Pieces: March
Picture/Photo Find:
Something I Did:
My dog got ran over by a car the
other night. After searching for him for a half hour, he came running up
to me from the end of the block acting like he hadn't just encountered
death. Luckily for him, he got hit by a little white car; if it had been much bigger
he would have been a goner.
made me wonder how many times by dog has been hit by a car before. He
gets out of the house more than I'd like to admit, slipping between
people's legs as they traverse in and out through the front door.
really don't know what he does when he's out. I assume he just runs
around and does his business until he gets bored/cold and then returns
home, but what if he darts in front of cars?
I've been more careful not to try to let him out, and to take him on more walks so that he doesn't *hopefully* get hit again.
I've been more careful not to try to let him out, and to take him on more walks so that he doesn't *hopefully* get hit again.
A Writer Thing:
I wish I could say that I have been writing a lot recently, but the truth is that I'm as lackadaisical as ever. Usually I don't mind that on off-months (or, to say, when I'm not pressured by a contest to write 50,000 words) I write considerably less, choosing instead to relax, enjoy my free time, and mess around on the computer... or sleep, which I've become quite good at over my lifetime.
I'm a little worried, though, that I might be getting into the habit of only writing when NaNo comes around, and being lazy any other time. My past history with word count, if put on a month-to-month chart, would certainly tell me that my assumption is correct. In November and August, say, it would plummet into the sky, but in May/June, you'd find miniscule numbers.
I don't know what to do, except hopefully write more and finish projects; one of my main problems could be that I haven't finished a full-length novel since December of 2011. That means that in 2012 I barely accomplished anything. I'm always starting new projects because I get these new ideas in my head and I can't say no to them, or I get bored with old ideas, put them on the full-to-bursting back burner to simmer, and feverishly work on something new--then repeat.
Hopefully I can correct this; I plan to be writing a bit more, and cover some ground this time on Mermaidens, or another book that's been sitting unfinished in my hard-drive for a while.
With winter on the brink of being over with, I have several other songs lined up right now that I'd like to post, but sadly won't until later blog posts. A few other writer friends got me into this specific genre of music, particularly A Fine Frenzy. Her music sounds ethereal and folksy at the same time, which is something I like about her. It's very inspiring to listen to while writing.
Perhaps I'll make a post soon detailing a few of the bands I listen to (of course, these are the sort of posts that no one--even your mom--reads, so I don't know if I should bother trying. It's like writing a book review when your blog isn't specifically for books reviews. When these types of things pop up on my dashboard I always try to read them and give the author a little bit of viewership, but my point is that no one reads them usually, and I've already got a problem with viewership right now because my blog sucks).
Nothing. Has. Happened.
Every winter I always tell myself that I'm going to ride a lot more than I did in the previous year, and every year I always blow that goal big time. I haven't ridden my horses in a month, something I'm very guilty about. I promise that as the weather gets nicer I *will* ride more, as warmer seasons tend to make me do. Anybody want to go trail riding with me?
I'm a little worried, though, that I might be getting into the habit of only writing when NaNo comes around, and being lazy any other time. My past history with word count, if put on a month-to-month chart, would certainly tell me that my assumption is correct. In November and August, say, it would plummet into the sky, but in May/June, you'd find miniscule numbers.
I don't know what to do, except hopefully write more and finish projects; one of my main problems could be that I haven't finished a full-length novel since December of 2011. That means that in 2012 I barely accomplished anything. I'm always starting new projects because I get these new ideas in my head and I can't say no to them, or I get bored with old ideas, put them on the full-to-bursting back burner to simmer, and feverishly work on something new--then repeat.
Hopefully I can correct this; I plan to be writing a bit more, and cover some ground this time on Mermaidens, or another book that's been sitting unfinished in my hard-drive for a while.
A Song:
'Avalanches' by A Fine Frenzy
With winter on the brink of being over with, I have several other songs lined up right now that I'd like to post, but sadly won't until later blog posts. A few other writer friends got me into this specific genre of music, particularly A Fine Frenzy. Her music sounds ethereal and folksy at the same time, which is something I like about her. It's very inspiring to listen to while writing.
Perhaps I'll make a post soon detailing a few of the bands I listen to (of course, these are the sort of posts that no one--even your mom--reads, so I don't know if I should bother trying. It's like writing a book review when your blog isn't specifically for books reviews. When these types of things pop up on my dashboard I always try to read them and give the author a little bit of viewership, but my point is that no one reads them usually, and I've already got a problem with viewership right now because my blog sucks).
Horsely Horse:
Nothing. Has. Happened.
Every winter I always tell myself that I'm going to ride a lot more than I did in the previous year, and every year I always blow that goal big time. I haven't ridden my horses in a month, something I'm very guilty about. I promise that as the weather gets nicer I *will* ride more, as warmer seasons tend to make me do. Anybody want to go trail riding with me?
Monday, February 18, 2013
A List of Favoritism in Cats
- Katie
- Percy
- Fred
- Crookshanks
- Peeves
- George
- Hermione
- Harry
Saturday, February 16, 2013
My Favorite TV Shows (When I was Little)
When I was little I watched tv shows constantly. I would say that I watched it more than I didn't (with breaks for sleeping). This went until I was about six, and then I started kindergarten, and I started learning important stuff like reading and writing and math. Like any little kid, I had these particular shows that I watched.
Because I homeschool, and also because I have to babysit Trelawney--my littlest sister--sometimes, I watch these shows again. Most of them I remember, and I'm not afraid to tell you that I like watching them. It's a weird sort of nostalgia.
The first show that I watched was Little Bear. Recently I learned that Suzanne Collins (author of the Hunger Games) actually produced/wrote this show. I was very interested to learn that Suzanne has entertained me my whole life.
Anyway, Little Bear is about this bear who lives in the woods and plays with his friends: Duck, Chicken, Cat, Owl, and seasonally a human named Emily, and a monkey named Mimzy. It's very old-fashioned and pioneer-y, and so though there is electricity, Little Bear and his family carry around oil lamps, pump water, and garden by hand.
I think I liked this show because it was always different, and also, I could just watch it, instead of being expected to interact with it like other shows, like Dora.
I also frequently watched Oswald. Oswald is about this octopus and his dog, and they go around being polite to everybody. I remember there was this one episode where Oswald grows a banana tree in his house, and overnight it grows the biggest banana in the history of bananas, so he goes around town giving away all of his banana because he can't eat it all. At the end of the day, Oswald doesn't have a single bit of his fruit left, and as he's dejectedly walking across the park with his dog all the people he gave to that day have all set up booths, giving Oswald all of the stuff they made out of his banana.
Little Bill comes next. I can't really say what Little Bill is about, except for the fact that he's in kindergarten, has a bunch of friends, owns a pet hamster named Elephant, and is a total fanboy when it comes to this superhero named Captain Brainstorm. I guess it is about the adventures a little kid can have, while obeying his parents and staying safe, following traffic rules, learning how to read, etc.
There are a lot of underlying themes in this show (as with any little kid series) about being a good child. In fact, I can't remember any times in all the episodes I watched where Little Bill told a lie, or did anything that would provoke getting punished. He got quite a bit overexcited at times, and got scolded, but most of the time the show goes smooth sailing.
Next comes Maggie and the Ferocious Beast. MatB is about this little girl who has two friends: a beast, respectively named Beast, and a pig named Hamilton, who lives in a cardboard box. The box he lives in was always a wonder to me as a child; it's a lot like Marry Poppins's bag, because you never know what inside it, and it holds more things than its shape lets on.
Anyway, they live in Nowhere Land, and everyday Maggie comes over and they go on an adventure. The adventure varies from each episode-- Nowhere land has a lot of mass, and so there is a beach, and also a pumpkin patch, and a place for lost toys, and there is even a place where a big giant lives.
Now that I'm older I heavily suspect that the whole show takes place in Maggie's imagination. I think this is because she always comes over when it's daylight out, the place has no end and has no other humans in it, both Hamilton and The Beast look up to her as a role model and are complete oafs without her, and one time she even brought her triplet cousins over (who coincidentally wandered into the giant's land and ate some of his strawberries).
That said, I still really liked this show, and I will probably watch another episode of it sometime soon--don't judge.
Finally--though I could go on forever--I end with Blue's Clues. Blues Clues is about this teenager named Steve who owns a blue, animated dog named Blue. Blue and Steve live in a hideously furnished home filled with objects that aren't inanimate. Because Blue can't speak to Steve, she has devised a way to tell him exactly what she's trying to say, by putting "paw prints" on three items that she thinks will most likely lead to one specific idea.
I know I watched this show more often than I should have, because my older sister Hope went completely bonkers about it. When I was four days old (really) I went trick-or-treating as Blue, my sister as Blue's best friend and neighbor, Magenta. Unfortunately, that night it rained and so I went home with my mom basically as soon as things got started, and Hope wore my costume when hers got wet and magically transformed into Blue.
The aforementioned animate objects sometimes played a big role in the show. Most important of which were Mr. Mailbox, who delivered mail, Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper, who had two children later on who weren't salt/pepper mixes but completely different spices, and a clock named Clock (original).
Later on Steve goes to "college", and his brother Joe takes over the ropes. Joe likes squares, and has a big stuffed duck named Morris. By the time Joe stepped in I was really dead-set on liking Steve, and decided not to trust Joe. Plus, around that time I was six or seven, and thought that those types of shows were for babies.
Now I really wish I could go back to when I was littler. It was simpler back then.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Time I Spent All Day Drawing Valentines.
Well, it's Valentine's Day again, and once more nothing has happened. I'm still as single as ever before... but don't think that throws me. Silly attempts to make me feel bad about my singularity don't work on me.
Today is just another day, except this day happens to garner a lot of hype with tv commercials and sections of stores decorated all frilly pink and lace and busting to the brim with chocolate.
I am currently making valentines for my family and friends (though none-the-less by the time you read this post I'll be finished), and I thought I would take a break for a bit to write a blog post. I pinned a bunch of ideas for valentines on pinterest this year so that they would all be in a single place, but due to certain circumstances that I'm not allowed to tell you about I am left without a printer for today (and today only--when I actually NEED it).
So I decided that I would have to draw them. Here are a few pictures, taken on a phone, so sorry if you can't read the words.
Here are others that I wanted to draw, but couldn't do them because they are gifs/ no one would understand them besides me.
I hope that everybody's day has been great so far, and that you guys are happy.
Good night!
Today is just another day, except this day happens to garner a lot of hype with tv commercials and sections of stores decorated all frilly pink and lace and busting to the brim with chocolate.
I am currently making valentines for my family and friends (though none-the-less by the time you read this post I'll be finished), and I thought I would take a break for a bit to write a blog post. I pinned a bunch of ideas for valentines on pinterest this year so that they would all be in a single place, but due to certain circumstances that I'm not allowed to tell you about I am left without a printer for today (and today only--when I actually NEED it).
So I decided that I would have to draw them. Here are a few pictures, taken on a phone, so sorry if you can't read the words.
Here are others that I wanted to draw, but couldn't do them because they are gifs/ no one would understand them besides me.
Good night!
valentine's day,
valentines day,
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Bits and Pieces: February
Picture/ Photo Find:
Something I Did:
I watched a bunch of Hayao Miyazaki films over the past few weeks. Back at a camp last November, I met someone who was really into Japanese culture/ anime (she'd even spent a month in Japan that past summer). She had this pack of cards that we played with, and they had these anime characters on it from a movie that I sort of recognized but didn't know anything about.
She explained that the movie was called Spirited Away, and that it was her favorite.
Back when I was six or seven my mom brought home one of Miyazaki's films called My Neighbor Totoro, and I really liked it. So I had a recollection that those movies weren't bad, and I wanted to watch another one.
Anyway, turns out Hope's boyfriend happens to own a lot of Miyazaki films, including Spirited Away. I borrowed the movie from him and watched it the other day. Though it was definitely weird, I really liked it all the same.
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leejayjee.tumblr.com |
I went back to Rhett's house the next day and borrowed Kiki's Delivery Service, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo, and My Neighbor Totoro.
One thing I really like about every one of his movies is how creative and original the plots are. For example, Howl's Moving Castle is about a girl named Sophie who gets turned into an old lady, becomes a housekeeper for a magician named Howl in a moving castle, and befriends a talking fire, a spy dog, a cursed prince, and the very witch who turned her into an old lady in the first place. Of course, Sophie doesn't stay old, and the way that it's handled is very good.
It's really hard to choose a favorite out of all of them, because there are aspects of every film that I adore. So I guess I'll just leave it at that.
A Writer Thing:
I took nearly a month long hiatus during January. It wasn't planned or anything, I just didn't really feel like writing--call me lazy. I'm ready to return now, and so this month (though it's half over), I definitely plan to cover some ground on Mermaidens, as well as now-untitled-redraft of The Glass Girl.
I'm not going to make it a goal, or announce anything, because when I do the goal usually doesn't end up getting accomplished and I feel like a failure. So for now it's just word of mouth.
Horse-ly Horse:
Nearly a month ago, in January, Peso injured himself.
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Before surgery. |
We keep our goats in the pen next to his, and we feed them alfalfa so
that their milk will taste good. Peso enjoys alfalfa too, and so after I finished milking and left he tried to reach over the fence for it, and ended up kicking
the fence down. That would be fine, except that when he tried to go
through the fence, he got stuck between the barn wall and the fence, and
ended up cutting his side pretty badly.
vet calls, surgery, some trials involving Peso refusing to eat his
pain-killer, and daily hose-downs later, Peso has returned to his normal
personality. Of course, it will be a few months yet before he will be
completely healed, but we're definitely lucky that it didn't turn out
worse than it did.
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After surgery |
Song I Can't Stop Listening To:
"Lego House", by Ed Sheeran
bits and pieces,
ed sheeran,
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